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R&D&I vision and strategy

The Elecnor Group sees innovation as the driving force behind the evolution of ideas and concepts towards differentiating solutions, through technological developments and new businesses, in order to build a more sustainable future together with its customers.

R&D&i activities are strategic in order to guarantee the Elecnor Group’s competitivity and sustainability, with innovation regarded as a cornerstone of the corporate reputation strategy and they are developed in accordance with the following principles of conduct:


  • Promotion of the systematic generation of innovative ideas within the company and supporting them until they become R&D&i projects. 
  • The systematic use of R&D&i tools is aimed at generating new opportunities and projects in this field.
  • These projects are the power behind Elecnor’s R&D&i management system and focus on increasing capacity and competitiveness. 
  • Basing all decisions on R&D&I activities within a strategic vision of the innovation process which is shared at all levels of management in the company.
  • Analysing legal requirements and regulations which could affect the area of the R&D&i Management System.
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R&D&I Vision

The Elecnor Group sees innovation as the driving force behind the evolution of ideas and concepts towards differentiating solutions, through technological developments and new businesses, in order to build a more sustainable future together with its customers.