Educational cooperation

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Educational cooperation

The main aim of our Educational Cooperation Programmes is to ensure that students receive comprehensive training through a parallel training programme offered at Educational Institutions and at the Company itself, combining both theory and practice.

Through this educational cooperation programme, Elecnor collaborates with the teaching programmes at different Universities and other Educational Institutions (with which it first signs a University/School Collaboration Agreement that sets out the operational framework for each institution). The aim is to familiarise students with the day-to-day reality of the company’s activities and the business world in general, through the completion of a series of activities and participation by students in the development of specific projects, which will serve to prepare them for their future entry into the jobs market.

Requirements for practical work at Elecnor

  • You must be enrolled on a university course for the period that your practical work lasts, having gained at least half of the required course credits, or you must be completing a final year project, a Masters degree or a post-graduate course.
  • You must be registered with the job cooperation or integrated services programmes at the place where you are studying.
  • You must meet the cooperation programme requirements for the place where you are studying.
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