Construction | Elecnor

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Elecnor's many different lines of business have meant that it has had innumerable opportunities to take part in nearly all of the activities involved in the fields of construction and civil works.

Its construction project work in both the industrial and the tertiary sectors is developed according to a comprehensive management and full cycle approach. It is increasingly taking on projects as sole contractor, both in Spain and abroad, and Elecnor continues to be solidly engaged with the hotel, logistics, hospital, and tertiary sectors.

It channels its civil works, construction, and hydraulic works business through its subsidiary Ehisa and brings added value to this market, where it stands out for its technological expertise.

Elecnor's interior design subsidiary, Area 3, brings to bear its architectural vision of space, selecting the most suitable equipment, furniture, and decorative components, placing particular emphasis on detail and quality in the final project stages.

Furthermore, through Adhorna the company has become an undisputed leader in developing and manufacturing precast concrete products and fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) lighting columns.

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Civil and Industrial Works

  • Concrete and metal structures
  • Special foundations, microtunnelling and excavations
  • Property development, service networks, roadways and land clearance
  • Hydraulic and environmental projects
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  • Site rehabilitation
  • Building rehabilitation
  • Installations, outfitting and equipment
  • Ornamental lighting
  • Prefabs